Wednesday 3 April 2024

Song Writer loves Singer Myles Cryus

(Verse 1) In the neon glow of city streets, Where shadows dance to secret beats, There's a world where desires meet, With whispered promises discreet. (Chorus) Escorts in the night, they shimmer bright, Guiding lost souls through the moon's soft light. Their touch ignites a flame, burning so right, In the arms of the escorts, we take flight. (Verse 2) They're angels dressed in silk and lace, With smiles that hide a deeper grace, They offer solace in a hidden place, Where fantasies unfurl without a trace. (Chorus) Escorts in the night, they shimmer bright, Guiding lost souls through the moon's soft light. Their touch ignites a flame, burning so right, In the arms of the escorts, we take flight. (Bridge) In their embrace, we find release, From the burdens that our hearts can't cease. They're the keepers of our midnight peace, In their world, all troubles find their lease. (Chorus) Escorts in the night, they shimmer bright, Guiding lost souls through the moon's soft light. Their touch ignites a flame, burning so right, In the arms of the escorts, we take flight. (Outro) In the silence of the morning's dawn, We'll part ways, but the memories spawn, Of a fleeting moment where we were drawn, To the warmth of the escorts until the night is gone.


For the best Vegan and Asian Quisine vist LANA I will be there tomorrow at Noon to eat with Mother and discuss Charity Sector.

Work Preparation (Current Day)

Today we had a successful excercise bloc between 10am and high noon. Firstly i would like to thank leap fitness group for designing the app and yes it comes with ads. but u can skip them with a manual overide. we ran the dumbell program for 20minutes and then went for a couch to 5k mini marathon from The Ivies Deerpark loop and back to SCE HQ. This walk takes a full hour. i had personal hygiene and finally midday meal which consisted of beans on toasted pork salad for my morning meal i had Special K and Avonmore Milk. i prepare to do battle as the markets open at 2.30pm the bell rings... Today i purchased from 4 tubs tubs and tea tubs or tea Ryan Tuberity do you understand the play on words. i am trying to be funny but i have Autism.

Tuesday 2 April 2024

Email me your date of Birth from i an a Cia agent send me your date of birth if you want to be my wife and kids. i have a one child policy one child one policy. i can only have one wife in the

Sunday 31 March 2024

Copywriting a €200 an hour job.

say nothing because the illuminati have bugs in the plug sockets that steel your spoken words from the airways and make television shows out of them. Type often because it is the only way your ideals will become 🤑 money. embrace ai ai has great ideas just ask it to do the script writing for you. Turn ai scripts into media ad google advertising to your YouTube channel or blog ask for paypal donations.

Friday 29 March 2024

Morning Hygiene

This Method of organic Spirulina Powder in the toilet bowl will kill mosquitoes. I am off for the highlight of my day, my five minutes of morning Hygiene.

Why you shouldn't not jumping the river and you should feed the birds instead

We should prevent suicide by prescription of Priadel to students in college and soldiers on the weekend. God Bless...take care. Squire Paul Timothy Martin Ryan Kelly Knight, Senator, Consul Order of Minerva Ambassador Kights Templar Discipes of Christ with Power to Grant Titles. i prefer organic lithium like lithium orotate/aspartate. fin

Thursday 28 March 2024

Why Bill Gates is a Thieving Adulterer

Bill Gates the Former C.E.O. of Microsoft stole my invention direct X.. if you want to support my legal battle do not use Microsoft or Apple and Apple stole €13000000000 from the Irish Tax Payer. please use and donate PayPal to Thank you.

Wednesday 20 March 2024

Psychiatrists pay attention I am talking to you ....for free!

My invention the Eurofighter Typhoon Black Jack will blow up all your base are belong to us. Up Yours!

Tuesday 19 March 2024

Psychiatrists Threaten lives

Nah I quit man, here is why.. Extra Extra read all about lithium causes Neuro malignant syndrome and threatens hostages lives as does all I repeat all antipsychotics hostage situation in progress downtown any city in the world