Friday 10 May 2024

Do you recommend an attorney other than yourself


  1. No I will be representing myself and my own interests as a Sovereign Nation Soma CelR Éire with Jesus Christ as My Savior as God as My witness POTUS Joe Biden Put a nine inch nail in the ball of my right foot I want to be compensated he destroyed my lively hood I am an erotic torture dancer My Style will not change I am a Kung Fu Practitioner Trained my Father Mark Stapleton who was Trained by Derek Fearson who was Trained by Grand Master Lee Kam Wing as God as My Witness I will be the last face on Mount Rushmore! Where is your face now Joe Biden I am charging you with Grievous Bodily Harm. Trump as well he should be in Oak unit. I want money with no cash value please donate to Paul Tetragrammaton Ryan on

    Eurofighter for sale €50,000,000

  2. I am the Artist and Designer who visited Dun Laoghaire and said I miss fetching water for free in Kilkenny Kenny's Well. I Designed a gun the Pdp Pro Performance Duty Pistol I would like to film all the cameramen and the Hand models and will teach black hole first to Joe Biden for $77 if he wants to the technique I am appealing to the Chef of the Angels Metatron not to pass on my style Black Hole First.
