Thursday, 23 April 2015

Work - Assemble and Maintain the Blog

Today I assemble at the City Library to do a blogpost. I will carry out Maintence on the Blog. I can provide on board training through the blog as I will be constantly referring to the timeline. I will need to use routine operations and utlization operations on the blog to keep it a top blog. I will be using advertising I am afraid however it is not my motivation as a Writer. My motivation is directly from the timeline. I have 30min to carry out blog maintence and posting and email review. I got up late today and I was using up a lot of glucose last night getting the broadband working again. I needed a rest in the morning and I forgot to wash my clothes. I have to make sure to stick to the time line but I wrote a song (See last Post) while eating pizza and chips for the local take away. What I need next is a way of being glued to the time line. I enter Dreamland and I get abducted often, the only solution I have found is to take the lithium and the spirulina and a good multivitamin. The lithium lasts a long time perhaps 23 hours, I took it this morning as I got the bus. I went to the GardaĆ­ Station to see if I could get my vote recognised I needed my passport. I will try again the next day. Traffic Operations I saw a familiar face in a sports coupe it is a lovely day in Kilkenny no need for aircon no mosquitoes nothing wrong with the place, quite a lot of traffic but there is a new bridge underconstruction. It used to be a walking town but it is becoming a federalised city. With the E.U. taking Russias Place in the G8 it will be Brussles next time with The Bilderberg group building links between Europe and the U.S.A. Go back to Russia said Barney GUmble from the "Simpsons" and Russia has left the Banjk had no money anyway. I went in with £10 Sterling looking for 20p X 50 Yes it is a lot of coins but did they have any, no they didn't. Medical Operations Lithium 20mg seems to keep the nerves at bay, I get it from the internet as it was too confusing to get the carbonate lithium I went straight for the organic lithium aspartate or elemental lithium. I felt cool I enjoyed the weather I knew I was protecting the grey matter. I hate how much money the Corporations make out of Medicine they really did not make anything better than lithium for my illness. On-Board Training Equal Skills at the library will let me Create a file save a document work with a desktop and learn the E.C.D.L Routine Operations I had no training in the Park today the Mantis system is what I need to operate Utilization Operations I need to operate utensils and be a Utilitarian I am using a libary computer and that counts for something. I cant leave home with out my solar powered casio. I doesn't come off and I want it back if you take it from me. I am using a qlink srt3 mini from and it helps but it is not going to augment the heart and brain like Lithium does. I will always need lithium.

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