Thursday, 5 November 2020

Whats up Pdoc?

Centrum Advance 1 Tablet vitamin d 1 tablet ciricdin 1 tablet (nocte) clopixol lai 600mg every two weeks Sertraline half a tablet in the morning with this cocktail I feel great but the injection is sore. Psychiatric homework. Attrition is a process in which the workforce dwindles at a company, following a period in which a number of people retire or resign, and are not replaced. A reduction in staff due to attrition is often called a hiring freeze and is seen as a less disruptive way to trim the workforce and reduce payroll than layoffs.May 3, 2019 confound /kənˈfaʊnd/ verb gerund or present participle: confounding 1. cause surprise or confusion in (someone), especially by not according with their expectations. "the inflation figure confounded economic analysts" Similar: amaze astonish dumbfound stagger surprise startle stun stupefy daze nonplus throw shake unnerve disconcert discompose dismay bewilder set someone thinking baffle mystify bemuse perplex puzzle confuse take someone's breath away take by surprise take aback shake up stop someone in their tracks strike dumb leave open-mouthed leave aghast catch off balance buffalo flabbergast floor knock for six knock sideways knock out bowl over blow someone's mind blow away flummox discombobulate faze stump beat fox be all Greek to fog wilder gravel Reverse causation (also called reverse causality) refers either to a direction of cause-and-effect contrary to a common presumption or to a two-way causal relationship in, as it were, a loop. Reverse causation can occur when people change their diet or other lifestyle habit after developing a disease or perhaps after having a close family member suffer an event like a heart attack. meta-analysis /ˈmɛtə(r)əˌnalɪsɪs/ noun STATISTICS examination of data from a number of independent studies of the same subject, in order to determine overall trends. "an important component of meta-analysis is the investigation of the consistency of treatment effects across studies" causation /kɔːˈzeɪʃ(ə)n/ noun the action of causing something. "the postulated role of nitrate in the causation of cancer" the relationship between cause and effect; causality. plural noun: causations "a strong association is not a proof of causation" Retrocausality Retrocausality, or backwards causation, is a concept of cause and effect in which an effect precedes its cause in time and so a later event affects an earlier one. Wikipedia

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