Friday, 30 November 2018

Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Sunday, 11 November 2018

Evening Meal

Today I had chicken currry, chips and a bun with a glass of milk.  Here is my plan.  Get a mortgage in the credit union to the value of €250,000

1.  Purchase a brown field site from moanroe commons, konkthopher Co. Kilkenny price €35,000

2.have bord na moana drill for water the site moanroe commons has a high water table.

3. Spend €5000 on a mobile home and connect to 3phase electricity.

4.  Import from a 48 " diameter Geodesic dome kit.  They ship world wide.  Price €160000

5. Hire Bryne and Bryne builders to construct dome kit and to work on interior.  Showers, 3 seclusion rooms and dining area, parking spaces and trolleys with waterproof mattresses.  Similar to the Dept. Of Psychiatry.

Cost.  Less than €200,000

Sunday, 4 November 2018

Preparation of Daily Rations

I purchased some lithium orotate I will take 5mg 3 times a day to keep me happy. You can do it too. link

Friday, 2 November 2018

The Timeline

Cardiovascular Exercises

I enjoy Drop in fitness, I can lift kettlebells for 30min at 6kg. I have two power balls for injury prevention. They weigh up to 16kg at a speed up to 20,000 revolution s per minute (rpm).

Saturday, 3 February 2018

Now Running Ubuntu Studio 17.10 32bit

Well it is only the 32bit edition because the 64bit edition would not boot on my 2004 Macbookpro.

Tuesday, 16 January 2018

New Artwork William Wallace g8 2005

I was there at the protest in Bannockburn where William Wallace fought the English in 1314. Mercy from God not from Men.

Saturday, 13 January 2018

Evening Hygeine

I had a shower with some tea tree shampoo from whal. Now I sleep with the elf emmit turned on to improve my sleep. I am selling a fda approved meditation aid on my facebook I am never taking a sleeping tablet again

Indymedia and why you should riseup!

ThWhen I went to my first protest at the g8 summit in Genoa 2001. I learned that indymedia was useful for consumer advocacy and documenting police brutality. These days many people have smartphones,mobile data with video upload. The current generation can film at 16megapixels or 4k high dynamic range. This will soon be replaced by HDMI 2.0 driving 10k video and virtual reality. What do we want indymedia to do, well that depends on what happens on the streets and the streets are becoming more violent so indymedia is being called an organization that films violence or at least property destruction.

Sunday, 7 January 2018

Lithium medication

The new lithium is called lithium orotate and 10mg 3 times a day will treat alcoholism and depression and manic depression. Orotatic acid is in breast milk and cows milk and it penetrates the brain easily and deposits the lithium, which is an essential brain nutrient. 30mg of elemental lithium orotate has the same therapeutic benefit as 1200mg of lithium carbonate (priadel)