Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Empowerplusadvanced the future and micro economy

I have been taking the truehope.com products for awhile now and I find them to be prohibit ably expensive at $69.98 per bottle. I have a 20 bottle supply right now which I am happy to consume as I do find it to be a soothing product. However there are two reasons I will not be purchasing empowerplusadvanced in the future. 1. Fukashima The radiation is hitting the west coast of the United States,killing all marine life and giving sharks toumors in their mouths. Empowerplusadvanced is made in Fallon, Nevada and there is too much radiation effecting that area 2. Cheaper Irish alteratives. Www.sona.ie has been in business for 30 years and they make sona multiplus which costs 27.95 for 90 capsules and with their special 3 for 2 online offer a 270 day supply at 1 capsule per day. 55 euro it will cost (estimate)

Staying on Solian

Today I climbed the steps of the courthouse with ease unlike the previous time when I was on olanzapine I had no heart palpitations today. I had no vertigo and I remember that Abilify caused a suicidal vertigo as a side effect. Solian has the least side effects of any antipsychotic that I have tried. I am staying on Solian.

Up in Court

Today my legal team and I appealed the decision of the last Tribunal to make me a voluntary patient in the department of psychiatry. I waited inside the box room with psychiatric nurses a community psychiatric nurse my p doc and then my legal representative and barrister. I endeded up not going inside the courtroom as we decided to withdraw my appeal after the Judged questioned the Psychiatrist. I am going to spend tonight in Lismore house and I will need more section 26 leave .

Sunday, 23 July 2017

Lismore HSE my new home

I found a hostel for the metally ill It is lismore Sion Road Kilkenny R95 AX6C It is 100 euro a week which includes bed and board. There was wave shampoo provided in the shower and the shower was hot there is a washing machine and dryer and home gym and tv room. We feed egg laying chickens. Today I had roast beef and spuds and green beans and ice cream and apple pie. I have a power point for my phone in my room along with my pedal bin and laundry basket. There are 10 mentally disabled people here.

Sunday, 9 July 2017

review plan for next day

Do I need health insurance probably not I just have to accept my illness and be grateful for the medical card scheme. I will need 300 euro a month for a single bedroom houseshare in kilkenny and another 300 euro a month for food and a final 300 euro a month for bills and that is all I got.

Saturday, 8 July 2017

Health Insurance

After doing some quick calculations on my phone, I discovered that I could live in lismore house hse kilkenny and also pay for Company Plan Executive from www.vhi.ie that means that in 5 years time I will receive 180 days psychiatric care for my preexisting condition called schizoaffective disorder. I will live penny less and will feed in lismore hostel and st. Lukes hospital Freshford Road kilkenny department of psychiatry. Finally when the insurance comes in I will go to St. Patrick's University hospital. or St. John of God's in Still organ Co. Dublin