Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Friday, 11 September 2015

Water Conservation Grant, Irish Water.

I am moving house but i still may qualify for a water conservation grant. Tin. 83793983 Wprn. 2785243 ppsn. 7535312O irish water account number or registration number ??? details of the bank or other financial institiution account. see below 1890 100 043

Officially Homeless

What i have done is unlist the Airbnb and begun moving out of the gate lodge. I like that i am getting help with moving and i need some time possibly in a house share to get back on my feet and study for a brighter future. I need more time and to do my leaving cert get a house share and eat for my mental health. I brought my tablets to the chemist on thursday and asked for.them to be destroyed. No problem they agreeed to do just.that.